Published on the occasion of the exhibition
May 23, 2011 – January 31, 2012
72 pages / 72 images | 8.5 x 11 in. | Hardcover | 978-0-9839917-0-0
This guide offers readers a detailed look at Pier 24 Photography’s third exhibition, HERE. The publication documents the installation of each room, and includes titles and dates for the works on view, quotes by many of the exhibited artists, and a brief introduction to the exhibition.
Pier 24 Photography’s exhibition HERE. features works produced by Bay Area photographers as well as a range of images of the San Francisco Bay Area.
From the rolling hills, breathtaking vistas and dynamism of local redwood forests to the linking bridges and bay itself, this area has inspired photographers since the early stages of the medium. As subcultures developed alongside urban and suburban sprawl, photographers flocked to the Bay Area to capture the distinctive character of the region’s people and land.
Artists presented in the exhibition HERE. include: Diane Arbus, Lewis Baltz, Ruth Bernhard, Leon Borenstein, John Chiara, Kota Ezawa, Robert Frank, Lee Friedlander, Arnold Genthe, Jim Goldberg, Paul Graham, Katy Grannan, John Gutman, Johan Hagemeyer, Chauncey Hare, Anthony Hernandez, Todd Hido, Mark Klett, Dorothea Lange, Richard Misrach, Eadweard Muybridge, Bill Owens, Irving Penn, Doug Rickard, Stephan Shore, Peter Stackpole, Hiroshi Sugimoto, Larry Sultan, Catherine Wagner, Carleton Watkins, Henry Wessel and Edward Weston.