Day for NightPhotographs by Richard Learoyd

Day for Night
Photographs by Richard Learoyd
Text by Martin Barnes and Nancy Gryspeerdt
Published in collaboration with Aperture Foundation
328 pages | 12 x 14-3/4 inches | 160 four-color images | Hardcover with acetate jacket and belly band | 978-1-59711-329-8
This deluxe, oversized monograph offers the most comprehensive collection of Richard Learoyd’s color studio images to date—mostly portraits, but also including a handful of exquisite still lifes. The color images are made with one of the most antiquarian of photographic processes: the camera obscura, literally translated from Latin as “dark room.” Learoyd has created a room-sized camera in which the Cibachrome photographic paper is exposed. The subject is in the adjacent room, separated by a lens. Light falling on the subject is directly focused onto the photographic paper without an interposing film negative. The result is an entirely grainless image. The overall sense of these larger-than-life images redefines the photographic illusion. Learoyd’s subjects, composed simply and directly, are described with the thinnest plane of focus, recreating and exaggerating the way that the human eye perceives.
The 150 images in this volume have been reproduced with utmost care to capture the luminosity of the original materials. Includes an artist statement by Learoyd and curatorial statement by Martin Barnes, who organized the first solo exhibition of the artist’s work at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London.
Richard Learoyd (born in Nelson, Lancashire, England, 1966) studied fine-art photography at the Glasgow School of Art. His work has been included in group shows at the International Center of Photography, New York; San Francisco Museum of Modern Art; and the National Gallery, London, and is in public collections such as the Tate Modern, London; Victoria and Albert Museum, London; Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, Connecticut; the Scottish Arts Council (Creative Scotland); and Pier 24 Photography, San Francisco.
$150, plus shipping – Aperture Publications